Regular Divider Servicing

Dough dividers are used in bakeries to divide high volumes of dough into quantities of equal size and weight. Reliability of the Divider could be impacted if not well-maintained and there could be a variation in weights and measures that increases wastage, impacting profitability and potentially service delivery to customers.

FABtekk offer a regular service, generally deployed quarterly, but this can be adapted to suit customer requirements. The service offers a XX point service check, together with a Service Report, based on a RAG rating system, Red, Amber Green for aspects noted by the service team on inspection.

  • Red, typically reflects an immediate issue.

  • Amber, is cautionary, warning of issues needing attention.

  • Green are advisory and should be monitored by site and the service team.

This has been implemented with a view of helping your organisation focus on the most critical aspects of each divider and to help plan for future requirements.